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Hand mit gemalter Umrandung durch Plexiglas | zur StartseiteRandy die Rattenpuppe | zur StartseiteSpieler mit seinem verzerrten Spiegelbild | zur StartseiteIm Spiel das Gesicht einer Figur | zur Startseitelebensgrosse Berner Sennenhund Puppe mit Schwarz weiss braunem Fell | zur StartseiteZwei Lichtsäulen umfassen das Gesicht von Lukas Schneider | zur Startseitezwischen zwei Lichtsäulen liegt auf einer Ebene Sand, der Kopf von Lukas Schneider, eine Uhr, eine Figurenkopf und ein Leinensack | zur StartseiteSzenen Foto Scaena Corpus kleine Puppe wird vermessen vom Spieler | zur StartseiteLiegender Pilot neben einem Flugzeugmotor | zur StartseiteSzenen Foto Scaena Corpus Figur schaut den Spieler von unten herauf an | zur StartseiteLukas Schneider mit Mantel offen mit vielen hängenden kleinen Körpern | zur StartseiteKoboldpuppe mit farbigem Haar, stechend grünen Augen und spitzem Kinn | zur Startseite
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about me

Overcoming borders:

The art of wandering between pigeonholes and boundaries is intended to show my fine play of figures as well as the joy and passion for and in the play.

In my productions, formally dusty traditions and narrow genre boundaries should be turned upside down just as much as social norms or traditions. It is important to me to tell innocent, light stories for adults who have little experience of art and theatre, as well as for children. With new ideas, different emotions, different thoughts, different values, which do not fulfil the norms, and thus other views may also become everyday life and a matter of course.


After training and further education in craftsmanship, my fascination for the string puppet brought me back to puppetry, which is why I am now playing for its use in contemporary puppet theatre. My body and its changes, as well as my voice and what I feel, should always continue to develop and flow in.

CV of Lukas Schneider:

Even as a child, he was busy with a few cloths, clothes pegs, a lot of imagination and a few hand puppets. He first trained as a carpenter. After gaining some work experience, he continued his training and switched to work preparation as a wood construction technician. 
He later attended further training in puppet theatre in Liestal with Margrit Gysin, Michael Huber and Irene Beeli, which he successfully completed in summer 2018 with his play "Wir Drei". 
After almost 11 years in the carpentry trade, he decided to pursue his dream and combine his hobby and profession. He studied puppet theatre at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart until October 2022. Among others, he had lessons with professors Stephanie Rinke, Julika Mayer, Florian Feisel and Ines Müller-Braunschweig. Alongside his studies, he continued to train his classical singing voice with Denise Benz and Arion Rudari. 

He created his first full-length production "Scaena Corpus" in September 2022 (awarded the Fritz Wortelmann Prize, Bochum, in 2023). 
Lukas Schneider moved between various engagements with independent groups and state theatres as well as creating his own projects. In 2023, he also began working as an outside observer and assistant director for puppet theatre. The craft remained in the construction of the theatre figures: Lukas Schneider built all the figures and sets for his own productions himself. 

Engagements have taken him to Fitz Stuttgart, WorkshOpera Bern (CH), Freilichtspiele Moosegg (CH), Schlachthaus Bern (CH), Anhaltisches Theater Dessau, Theater Heilbronn, Theater am Torbogen, altes Schauspielhaus Stuttgart and others.